Disco Iskandar takes you on a journey into the vast and fabulous world of belly dance in international cinema: a world full of shimmies, espionage, bubble-blowing, cats, guns, glitter, and more. Dedicated to the long history of Arab dance as a prominent feature of Middle Eastern and international filmmaking, with plenty of participation from filmmakers in the West, Disco Iskandar's BELLY DANCE IN CINEMA is an ode to the fun, silly, dramatic, sexy, and joyful performances of dancers in movies from the 1940's through the 1970's. We visit films from Egypt, Turkey, Italy, Iran, America, and more, inside Alamo Drafthouse DTLA's Video Vortex event space & bar.
2024 Upcoming Dates
January 20th 8pm (with special guest Princess Farhana)
February 17th 8pm
March 16th 8pm (with special guest Tracy Rhaj)
April 13th 8pm
No cover. 21+. Full food & beverage menu available at the bar. Tables are first come, first-served. Each show is a little different than the last-- keep coming back.
BELLY DANCE IN CINEMA'S rotating cast includes Alice Grace, Hannah Lily, Meredith Marie, Zoe DeRose, Veronica Lynn, Leslie Augustine, and Ariana V.
Disco Iskandar and BELLY DANCE IN CINEMA are directed by Veronica Lynn.
Follow: @discoiskandar / @veronicalynn_xo / @drafthousela
Parking is available in the Bloc's parking garage, entrance located off of Flower Street between 7th and 8th. Validation is available at the concierge inside Alamo Drafthouse.